100 纳博斯

货号: TK75636
经过 Celmade

它适用于 65 岁以下成年患者临时治疗与纸板皱纹和/或下腹部肌肉活动相关的眉间纹。它适用于治疗局灶性腋窝多汗症。

£59.86 £65.60
15 天退款

Nabota 100 是一种高品质 A 型肉毒毒素溶液,专为有效减少皱纹、放松肌肉和塑造面部轮廓而配制。 Nabota 100 每瓶 100 单位,提供强大、可靠的治疗选择,可最大程度减少动态皱纹、细纹和表情纹,打造光滑、年轻的外观。 Nabota 100 以其精确和持久的效果而闻名,被美容专业人士广泛使用,以达到使面部焕然一新、焕发活力的自然效果。

Nabota 100 的作用是放松负责表情纹的特定面部肌肉,使其适合治疗前额、鱼尾纹、皱眉纹和颈带等区域。此外,它还可以通过放松咬肌来缩小下巴轮廓,从而提供一种非手术的面部轮廓方法。结果通常在几天内可见,并且可以持续 4-6 个月,这使得 Nabota 100 成为寻求持久、有效的皱纹减少和面部改善的客户的理想选择。

Nabota 100 的主要特点和优点:

  • 高品质A型肉毒毒素:有效减少皱纹,放松肌肉,打造清爽、年轻的外观。
  • 持久效果:几天之内即可看到效果,效果可持续长达 4-6 个月。
  • 自然、光滑的表面:最大限度地减少皱纹的出现,同时保留自然的面部表情,打造平衡且焕发活力的外观。
  • 多功能应用领域:适合治疗额头纹、鱼尾纹、眉间纹、颈带和下巴轮廓。

申请流程:Nabota 100 应由接受过肉毒杆菌毒素程序培训的持证专业人员进行管理。在治疗过程中,将少量受控的 Nabota 100 注射到目标肌肉中,以达到所需的皱纹减少和肌肉松弛效果。每次疗程通常需要 10-20 分钟,几天内即可看到明显效果,两周内会出现最大效果。

目标受众Nabota 100 非常适合寻求非手术解决方案来减少细纹、皱纹并实现面部年轻化的成年人。它特别受到想要柔化额头、眼睛周围和其他动态面部区域表情纹的客户的欢迎。这种治疗非常适合那些希望获得自然、持久效果且无需侵入性手术的患者。

安全和善后护理:Nabota 100 应由经过认证的从业人员使用,以确保安全、有效的结果。治疗后可能会出现暂时的发红、肿胀或轻微瘀伤,通常会在几小时至几天内消退。遵循术后护理说明(例如避免剧烈活动、高温暴露以及治疗后立即躺下)将有助于优化效果并提高舒适度。

借助 Nabota 100,客户可以在最短的恢复时间内获得光滑、年轻的肌肤。这种高品质的肉毒毒素为减少皱纹和面部年轻化提供了可靠、有效的解决方案,帮助客户看起来自然焕然一新。

所有 Celmade 的货物均来自韩国。我们帮助将产品发送到全球 50 多个国家的主要特点。

国家/地区,但大约需要 3-10 个工作日。这是基于

All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as FedEx and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as DHL Express and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as EMS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.  All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as UPS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.


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如果交货延迟超过10天,请直接联系您所在国家的海关或当地物流公司的客户服务中心。交货延迟可能是由于根据目的地国家税法清关和纳税所需的文件和资格存在问题,而 Celmade 不参与目的地国家的税收和清关。

如需进一步咨询,请联系 Celmade 客户服务中心。

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Karen Forster
Not bad

Not as strong as some of the others after 14 days wait time not much difference using the product unfortunately.

Sabrina Weber
Sehr gut

Sehr gut

Diane Flanagan

My order was delivered very quickly. The packaging definitely needs to be better.The box it came in was completely wet and falling apart.

Rita Nascimento

I’m very happy, it’s very good product

Jennifer Beran
Completely ineffective!!!

After I found that the product did absolutely nothing for my skin, I contacted Celmade to inform them. In layman's terms they told me, I probably was just doing it wrong. After telling them that I did consult a physician and the product was administered properly, they then wanted my doctors information. Which I did not feel was appropriate to handout. For such a seemingly successful company they sure don't seem too eager to please their customers. To me it looks like just another money making scheme. It's really a shame because I was looking into a lot of different products to buy. I also have a little over 60K female followers that I would have referred to this company. I have many before and after pictures that I'm happy to share. This could have been a one time fluke, possibly a random defective but I suppose I will never know. I refuse to pay for the same product that didn't work the first time!