肉毒杆菌 300

经过 Celmade

BOTULAX 300 Units is a purified botulinum toxin type A that effectively reduces wrinkles by blocking nerve signals to muscles. Botulax is ideal for forehead lines, crow's feet, and lip contouring. Achieve smooth, long-lasting results with precise intramuscular injections. Botulax is available globally.

15 天退款

BOTULAX 300 是一种强效 A 型肉毒杆菌毒素产品,专为减少皱纹和放松肌肉而配制。它含有纯化的 A 型肉毒杆菌毒素(菌株:肉毒梭菌 CBFC26),与血凝素和氯化钠相结合,可产生有效效果。肉毒杆菌的作用是阻断肌肉的神经信号,导致暂时麻痹,这有助于放松面部表情并抚平皱纹。


  • 活性成分:A型肉毒杆菌毒素(300单位)确保精确的肌肉放松和减少皱纹。
  • 作用方式:毒素阻断神经传导,阻止肌肉收缩。这可以有效治疗额头纹、鱼尾纹和唇部轮廓,提供自然的效果。
  • 应用领域:非常适合解决前额皱纹、鱼尾纹、狮子纹、水平和垂直颈纹以及唇部轮廓矫正。它还可以缓解磨牙症。
  • 持久有效性:BOTULAX 保证注射过程中一致且均匀的效果,严格控制效力在 191-215 单位之间,以最大程度地提高患者满意度。
  • 易于制备:该产品装在无菌玻璃安瓿中。使用时,用盐水稀释粉末(例如 300 单位用 7.5 毫升盐水)以获得最佳性能。

BOTULAX 专为寻求有效、高品质肉毒毒素解决方案以实现面部美容的专业人士而设计。凭借其先进的配方和精确的应用,BOTULAX 可提供平滑、持久的效果,提高患者满意度和美容效果。

所有 Celmade 的货物均来自韩国。我们帮助将产品发送到全球 50 多个国家的主要特点。

国家/地区,但大约需要 3-10 个工作日。这是基于

All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as FedEx and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as DHL Express and method to be delivered as soon as possible.
All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as EMS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.  All Celmade products such as Botulinum Toxins, Face Fillers, Body Fillers, Mesotherapy, Skin Boosters, PDRN, Lipolytics, and Disposables will be shipped by the fastest shipping company such as UPS and method to be delivered as soon as possible.


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